Police in Bhaktapur on Thursday arrested a driver and two passengers allegedly involved in sexual activities in a vehicle belonging to a ministry, in Suryabinayak Municipality.
The arrested have been identified as vehicle driver Jit Bahadur Khatri (41) of Sindhupalchowk district, Shambhu Karki and a 21-year-old woman.
A police patrol team had found Karki and the woman in a compromised state in the parked vehicle (Sate 3-01 002 Jha 5052) belonging to the Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizen, at Ghyampedanda forest, at around 11:00 pm on Wednesday, according to Spokesperson for Bhaktapur District Police Office, Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Deepak Giri
Meanwhile, police have proceeded with the investigation after getting the extension of their custody.