It has been over 14 years since the track of a road from Beni municipality entrance gate to the office of ward-2, Bhakundechaur was opened.
In lack of its up-gradation, there is no condition to operate any means of transportation on the road stretching over seven kilometers. The track was opened in 2008 AD.
Locals complained that it was very difficult to ride motorbike on the muddy road which comes after crossing a tourism site, Lovely Hill.
The authorities concerned have tuned deaf ear to up-grade the road condition for smooth vehicular movement here, a local said.
So far Rs 10 million has been spent for the up-gradation of the road. But the road is still in a sorry state of affairs.
Newly-elected ward-2 chairperson Yam Bahadur Karki said the road up-gradation would be put on top priority seeking financial support from the province government.