Home Minister Bal Krishna Khand has directed the bodies concerned to make arrangements for the rescue and medical treatment of a person seriously injured in a jeep accident at Junichande rural municipality-5 in Jajarkot district by using a helicopter.
Home Minister Khand today instructed Home Secretary Tek Narayan Pandey, Chief of Peace, Security and Crime Control Division of the Ministry, Phanindra Mani Pokharel and Chief District Officer of Jajarkot, Ram Bahadur Shahi to make arrangements for the rescue and treatment of the injured.
Shahi said that a helicopter has been sent to rescue the injured coordinating with the Surkhet office of the Nepali Army after the direction of the Home Minister.
Two persons died and five others were critically injured when a jeep (Ka 02-001 Cha 0341) heading towards Jajarkot from Surkhet met with an accident, according to the Home Ministry.
Shahi shared that four others had sustained minor injuries in the accident.