Koshi Chief Minister Hikkamat Kumar Karki has said that the people have got the feeling of development in federalism.
In an interaction on 'Federalism in Nepal: Opportunities and Challenges' organized here today by Nepal Sociology Association Kathmandu and Mahendra Morang Adarsh Multipurpose Campus Biratnagar, he said, "After the establishment of federalism, history has been created by building 150 structures in the province."
Chief Minister Karki informed that 800 kilometers of roads have been paved over a period of five years after the establishment of the provincial government, and another 300 kilometers will be paved over the next two years.
Stating that federalism is necessary for Nepal, he emphasized that the practice of federalism should be made practical. Chief Minister Karki said that the rights guaranteed by the constitution should be given to the provinces in federalism and held the view that the government is responsible to the people.
He opined that the achievement of federalism is peace, security is strengthened and the people feel secure. Chief Minister Karki said, "If the Center is liberal in the implementation of federalism, there will be a significant and qualitative improvement in development and security."
Chancellor of Gandaki University Prada Ganeshman Gurung held the opinion that the people can feel federalism in employment and prosperity. Vice President of Sociology Vishwakalyan Parajuli thought that federalism would be strengthened by inclusive and proportional representation of people.