The Gupteshwar Mahadev Cave in Chorepatan, Pokhara has earned 54.2 million rupees in one year. The historic, religious, and tourist site is a popular site among tourists visiting Pokhara.
According to the information shared at the 28th Annual General Meeting of Gupteshwar Mahadev Cave Conservation Committee, Rs. 42.8 million was collected from ticket sales, Rs. 2.7 million from the donation box, Rs. 5.1 million from donation receipts, Rs. 1.6 million from bank interest and others from rented-out business complexes and membership, among others.
Chief Judge of Pokhara High Court, Madhav Prasad Pokharel, while inaugurating the AGM on Saturday, emphasized that the income of the religious sector should be invested in the development of education, health, and society as a whole.
At the function, Gandaki Provincial Assembly Secretary Hariram Pokhrel and Dhanusha District Judge Yognath Dhakal were honored for their contribution to the conservation of the cave.