The Janakpur-Jayanagar Railway Line, which has not been operated yet, is scheduled to be inaugurated on Saturday. According to the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba and his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi will jointly inaugurate the railway.
According to the ministry, the prime ministers of the two countries will jointly inaugurate the railway line from New Delhi through virtual means. Minister for Physical Infrastructure and Transport Renukumari Yadav will be the chief guest at the program in Janakpur, said Director General of the Railway Department Deep Kumar Bhattarai.
The government has made necessary legal arrangements for the operation of the train through an ordinance. Although the construction of the railway was completed in 2018, due to legal and technical complications, the date of operation of the railway could not be fixed for a long time. The total length of the railway is 35 kilometers.
The government has spent Rs. 1.3 billion on the railway, including all taxes.
The government has also fixed train fares. There are two types of fares: Rs 70 for ordinary seats and Rs 300 for air-conditioned (AC) seats. The Railway Ordinance also provides for compensation of up to Rs 7 lakhs in case of loss of life in a train accident.
The train had been operating once a day since last February. The Nepal Railway Company has stated that all the technical preparations have been completed and the staff has been appointed.