Senior advocate Hari Shanker Niraula has been elected the Chairperson of the Supreme Court Bar Association. Niraula filed his candidacy in the election for picking the 34th new working committee of the Supreme Court Bar on behalf of the broader democratic group.
He secured 289 votes to become the chairperson. His close contender Tulasi Bhatta, senior advocate, from the progressive panel, got 275 votes. Other elected office-bearers in the new committee are Jagadish Prasad Pandey (vice-chairperson), Shyam Kumar Khatry (secretary), Sujan Lopchan (joint-secretary), and Kapil Chandra Pokharel (treasurer). Srijana Kandel was elected as the woman in the new committee.
Likewise, Uttam Raj Pathak, Bhim Prasad Dhakal, Rup Narayan Shrestha, Resham Raj Regmi, Ram Bahadur Raut, Suman Kumar KC, Prabhujee Pant, Anupraj Uprety, and Devi Regmi Pokharel were elected as the members for the two-year term.