Attorney General Dinmani Pokharel has decided not to forward the case against President of Rastriya Swatantra Party (RSP) Rabi Lamichhane in a case of the misuse of passport.
Spokesperson at the Office of the Attorney General Sanjibraj Regmi said Pokharel made the decision not to file a case against Lamichhane based on the note from the Office of the Attorney General and the report coming from the District Attorney Office via the High Government Attorney Office.
With this, the government would not file a case against former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs Lamichhane on the misuse of passport.
The investigation file on misuse of passport was received at the Office of the Attorney General on Sunday.
The file was submitted to the District Attorney Office, Kathmandu, after the investigation of the Nepal Police. The District Attorney Office, Kathmandu, had written to the High Government Attorney Office deciding that the case was deemed not necessary to advance.
Lamichhane was charged with carrying Nepali and American passports and using the Nepali one without recalling the American passport.